If you have a question you would like answered that is not covered by the FAQ's below, we would love to answer it for you.

Your question may be about our Striking Smiles Professional Tooth Whitening or perhaps a tooth whitening kit that you already have.  Please feel welcome to contact us on our 24 hour Help Line by telephoning  0411 142 230 or send us a message by clicking the enquiries link above.

 We look forward to hearing from you and helping you in any way we can.





“Think of your teeth as a White T-Shirt”

Anything that stains a White T-Shirt

Stains your Teeth!





Q.        Do Whitening Toothpastes and paint on gels work?


A.    The Australian and American Dental Associations have extensively researched these over-the-counter products and believe that these products do little to whiten your teeth because their active ingredients are in very low concentrations.  Only Professional Strength Products are proven to give effective results.



Q.   Why does the Striking Smiles Tooth Whitening Process work?


A.         Striking Smiles Tooth Whitening is a Professional Strength Tooth Whitening System. Professional Strength Whitening Gel can only be provided if custom fitting whitening trays have been made.  We give you custom fitted whitening trays and professional strength whitening gel for maximum results, a must for a successful result.




Q.    Is the Striking Smiles Tooth Whitening Kit the same thing dentists sell me for $500 or more?


A.   Yes absolutely, we only use professional strength whitening gel, in fact some dentists will give you lower strength Whitening Gels which take much longer to give you the results you are looking for.






Q.   Why have my teeth discoloured?


A.   Our teeth discolour for many reasons, the most common causes are what we eat and drink, red wine, coloured soft drinks, tea and coffee, avocado, carrots and of course smoking, everyday life things. Also, teeth tend to darken with age, Genetics is another unfortunate and common cause. The use of antibiotics during childhood and Tetracycline can also contribute to discolouration problems.



Q.   What can I do to have white teeth again?


A.   There are many products available that claim to give you results. Whitening Toothpastes, paint on whitening gels, etc. Only Professional Tooth Whitening Products will give you beautiful white teeth again, results that are permanent.  We give you the fast permanent results you have been looking for.



Q.    Who can benefit from tooth whitening?


A.    Almost everyone. However, there are some cases where treatment may not be effective or less effective than expected. Tooth whitening is ideal for people who have healthy, unrestored teeth and would like a whiter, brighter Smile.

Note: Pregnant and lactating women should avoid Tooth Whitening.



Q.    Will my crowns, fillings or other dental work respond to Whitening?


A.    No! Only your natural teeth will respond to the Whitening gel. However, in most situations your crowns and fillings are lighter than your natural teeth and will match your bright new Smile quite well. Remember that over time you may choose to change these crowns and fillings and you should whiten your teeth before so that your dentist can match your new white teeth.



Q.   Will my teeth stay white forever?


A.   Our Tooth Whitening Process will give you permanent results, removing all existing staining, however you may need to do touch-up whitening, every 8 to12 months for a day or two as your teeth become exposed to staining culprits again over time.






Q.    How does Tooth Whitening Work?


A.   Tooth Whitening Gel is placed into your custom fitting whitening trays and placed over your teeth. The Whitening Gel gradually whitens your teeth by neutralising colour sitting in the enamel surface of your teeth.  It does not change the structure of the tooth or damage the enamel surface.



Q.    How important are custom fitting whitening trays?


A.    Very Important. Your whitening trays must be custom fitting to ensure that the whitening gel stays in place and is not diluted by your saliva.  Poorly fitting whitening trays may result in gum irritation and poor whitening results.



Q.    How much whitening gel do I need to whiten my teeth?


A.    We have given you plenty of Whitening Gel to give you maximum results. Use your Whitening Kit for 1 to 2 weeks depending on your level of tooth discolouration and your desired results.  Each tube of Whitening Gel should last 3 – 4 full applications – more gel does not whiten more – it simply causes tooth sensitivity, irritates your gums and is a waste of product.  Check your instruction sheet for correct application amount.  Upon completion of your initial treatment, store your left over Whitening Gel in the refrigerator for touch-up whitening at a later date.



Q.    Why do I have 3 different strengths of Whitening Gel in my Striking Smiles Kit?


A.    We want you to get the results you have been searching for. We have given you 1 x 10%  Medium Speed Whitening Gel, this strength will allow your teeth to become familiar with the whitening process.  5 x 16% High Speed Whitening Gel and 4 x 22% Ultra Speed Whitening Gel for that extra fast white zing.



Q.    Why are my teeth not whitening as fast as I would have hoped?


A.   You will notice your teeth whitening gradually over the first 2 to 7 days as we are trying to remove a lot of staining at the beginning.  At around day 8 your teeth will begin to “ping” becoming much whiter very quickly. Use your tube of 22% Ultra Speed Whitening Gel for faster results.







Q.    Will whitening harm my teeth or gums?


A.    No!  Professional Tooth Whitening has been researched for over 20 years now and this research has proven that it is safe for your teeth and gums when used as directed.  Professional Tooth Whitening is approved by Dental Associates around the world.



Q.    Are there any side effects from tooth whitening?


A.    Some patients experience slight temporary tooth sensitivity. This usually only lasts for a few days, as your teeth become use to the whitening process. Use your complimentary Topacal C-5 Enamel Improving Cream immediately after each whitening treatment by placing the Topacal Cream in your trays and wearing them again for 10 -15 minutes.  This will replace the moisture that has been lost during the treatment.  Lack of moisture in the tooth surface is what causes temporary tooth sensitivity.  Tooth Whitening does not cause permanent tooth sensitivity.



Q.    Is it safe to bleach my teeth at home?


A.   Yes, at-home Tooth Whitening is perfectly safe and is exactly the same process that 90% of dental offices use to give you a brighter smile.



Q.   Can I eat and drink whilst wearing my Whitening Trays?

A.   No, you should not eat, drink or smoke during the actual individual Whitening treatments. We recommend that you wear your Whitening Trays at night whilst sleeping.  You can eat and drink as normal whilst not wearing your whitening trays.  Remember to apply your Topacal Enamel Improving Cream immediately following your whitening treatments as this will prevent re-staining by hydrating your teeth. 







Q.   I am using Topacal – What else can I do?

A.   Tooth Sensitivity is all about your teeth being de-hydrated.  Drink lots of water and chew chewing gum to produce more saliva.  Avoid acidic foods and carbonated drinks



Q.   How often can I use my Topacal?

A.   You can use your Topacal 24 hours a day if you wish, in your whitening trays or apply with your finger tip. 



Q.   Should I use a Sensitive Tooth Paste during Treatment?

A.   If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity use the tooth paste we have provided in your Whitening Kit.



PLEASE NOTE:  Most tooth sensitivity is caused by using too much gel or placing the gel too low in the whitening trays, allowing the gel to slip onto the back of the tooth as well as the front.  Apply the gel higher rather than lower in your whitening tray, but always in the middle.


Check your application method against the instruction sheet, and put the tray in place in front of a well lit mirror to see where the gel is going.




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